The Madrasah operates two sessions between 5pm-6pm and 6pm-7pm weekdays. Admission will be given to children who are 6 years old. Please apply by completing the application form and sending it to or handing it in-person to a member of the Mosque management or the Mosque caretaker.
Details of the fee can be found on the application form. The syllabus compromises of the following:
- Qaida, Juz Amma, Qur’an: Taught with tajweed rules
- Tafseer: Translation and explanation of the Holy Qur’an
- Hadith: Deep understanding of the sayings of Rasool Allah SAW
- Aqeedah: Basic beliefs of a Muslim
- Fiqh: Jurisprudence of Islam
- Tareeqh: The history of Islam
- Akhlaaq-Wal-Adaab: Manners in Islam
Other Services we offer
Wimbledon Mosque provides Nikah services to help those who wish to be in an Islamic lawful and Halal relationship. To download the form and find out more.
Wimbledon Mosque also provides a Madarasah to teach young children about Islam and how to read Quran. To download the form and find out more click here
Wimbledon Mosque provides a funeral service too to help those who have lost loved ones by burying according to Islamic tradition.
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