The prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed times

— [Quran 4:103]

Wimbledon Mosque
Jan, 2025

Monthly timetable

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Monthly Timetable

You can download the monthly prayer timetable from the link below:.

Monthly Prayer Times

We provide prayer facilities for the five daily prayers at their correct time with adhaan and iqaamah. You can download the monthly at the following:

View here

Ramadan Timetable

The blessed month of Ramadan has a special timetable because of taraweeh prayers, you can download at the following:

Ramadan Timetable

The blessed month of Ramadan has a special timetable because of taraweeh prayers, you can download at the following:

Coming Soon

Daily Prayer Times

Allaah has ordained the prayer five times a day at specific times. You can view or download the prayer times at Wimbledon Mosque at the following link:

Daily Prayer Times

Allaah has ordained the prayer five times a day at specific times. You can view or download the prayer times at Wimbledon Mosque at the following link:

View here

Masjid Timetable Application

The full yearly prayer times are now available via the Masjid Timetable application. Simply install the application on your Apple or Android device and select Wimbledon Masjid as your default prayer times.

Note: this application has been developed by a third-party company so you would need to contact the application developers should you experience any issues.