Sadaqah Jariyah
The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "When a person dies, their deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for them." (Source - Sahih Muslim)

Sadaqah Jariyah Opportunities

This page details any active sadaqah jariayah projects at Wimbledon Masjid. When such opportunities do arise, we  like to give the community a chance to specifically donate towards the project before we attempt to secure funding from other sources. Your donation may be intended for yourself or a loved one. These opportunities are typically time-limited and will be removed from this page when they are no longer available.

How to donate?

Take a look at the active donation opportunities below. You can either donate online by clicking here and entering the full amount of one of the requested sadaqah jariyah opportunities or by bank transfer as follows.

  • Account Name: Wimbledon Mosque
  • Account Number: 01249975
  • Sort-Code: 40-06-17
  • Reference: donation item name from below

Masjid Radiator Replacement

Sadaqah Jariyah Opportunity – get rewarded for providing the heat and comfort for worshipers at the Masjid.

  • 32 x new radiators @ £150 each [2 remaining @ £150 each]

New speakers across all floors of Masjid

Sadiqah Jariyah Opportunity – get rewarded for the verses of the Qur’an transmitting across all the floors of the Masjid to thousands of worshipers every year. These are extraordinary loudspeakers ensuring a true-to-nature, high-fidelity reproduction of audio and speech, whilst maintaining an ultra-flat frequency response.

  • 22 x speakers + accessories @ £135 each [Expired – all donations complete]

Donation Kiosk

Sadiqah Jariyah Opportunity – get rewarded every time someone uses the donation kiosks.

  • 3 x donation kiosk @ £315 each [Expired]
  • 3 x donation kiosk software license @ £180 each [Expired]

Update: Alhamdulillah all sadiqah jariayah donation opportunities have now been fulfilled. May Allah reward everyone who embraced the opportunity with goodness in this World and the Hereafter. Ameen!